Monday, February 16, 2009

How the time fly's

I haven't actually blogged since August it doesn't seem that long ago but gee I guess it has been. There has been a lot going on around here the past few monts. Like I told you before I started work at AT&T in June 08 and I love the work. Not crazy about everyone I work with but I guess that will never happen. It is bad when you have a boss that lies to make another co-worker happy. I just have come to the conclusion to ignore them all.
I still haven't had my lap-band put in place since I went off all my meds the place I was going too isn't going to do anything unless I decide to go back to a therapist. Sounds kind of costly to me but I will play the game I have an appointment with one this Wednesday and I think I am going to have him re-evaluate me for this crap I was diagnosed with. I honestly think I was just severly depressed and I don't think it has anything to do with bi-polar at all.
I did have another cancer check in between when I have wrote and now and it was good. In fact the numbers have even went down more.
I am looking at a new embroidery machine that will do back embroidery as well as the smaller ones. I still want to get my business off the ground and I have to work towards that. I also want to start pushing our vinyl decals so that is on the list to do this year.
I am having a yard sale in July and it is going to be HUGE guarantee you. I am so tired of al this crap being around my house and it is going, going, gone one way or the other.